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Fractional NFT Marketplaces: Exploring Platforms for Selling and Buying F-NFTs

NFTs are a game-changer that this trillion-dollar worth industry was not ready for. The profoundness and utter innovation it brought about shook the foundation at which cryptocurrencies are looked at, and we’re still feeling the aftereffects even to this day. While people outside constantly think about the “death” of NFTs, we’re out here making history in the quiet and adding innovative features that people can’t find anywhere else.

And that’s not to say that NFTs haven’t been great to creators too. Through the introduction of NFTs, the whole artistry genre was changed as artists and creators realized they are being ripped off by the industry, and that they could make more and do more with NFTs. So in a way, we helped in shaping and progressing the welfare of creators all across the planet.

But we’re not here to talk about how NFTs changed the lives of the people, we’re here to talk about a particular addition in the NFT world’s ever-growing features and benefits. This one focuses more on democratizing the NFT space and giving every investor, small bankroll to the big bagholders, the chance to earn and collect whichever NFT they want!

Let’s explore Fractionalized NFTs, the market that they serve, and how we could make use of them!

Fractionalized NFTs and Where to Buy Them

First off, let’s talk about Fractionalized NFTs, which are quite new in the face of this industry.

In essence, Fractionalized or Fractional NFTs, are Tokens that are divided into equal parts and value through the process of fractionalization. Each token shares a portion of the Main NFT’s value, data, and utility/rights endowed upon it.

They are great in the sense that it stop the apparent gatekeeping that happens in the industry, especially within blue-chip NFTs that could cost upwards of millions in value. Thanks to Fractionalized NFTs, small-bankroll owners could buy these valuable NFTs and get whatever benefits and features regular holders enjoy, at a fraction of the price!

This also helps projects with halted trading volume to create circulation within their ecosystem. With NFTs costing less but still carrying the same weight and value (I know it’s crazy), the project’s trading ecosystem carries on without the risk of impermanent loss in the process!

Now that the explainer’s out of the way, let’s explore platforms where we can sell, buy, and trade Fractionalized NFTs to maximize our NFT Journey!

Keep in mind that since this is quite novel even for an industry like the NFT space, there’s only a handful of choices to choose from, but as the space picks up the pace and as more projects see the potential in Fractional NFTs, it’s not going to surprise us when more of these platforms come around in the near future!

Without further ado, let’s see which NFT platforms offer Fractional NFT options


One of the industry’s leading NFT marketplaces during the height of the NFT craze, Rarible introduced its very own protocol, aptly named after itself, that supports creators who wish to fractionalize their NFTs, from simple fractionalization, to purchase and sell these minted NFTs!

Rarible’s success and reputation within the industry is one of its greatest strengths and a big reason why it’s one of the most sought-after marketplaces for creators and devs who want to dive into the world of Fractional NFTs, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if this became one of your first choices as a creator, or as an investor who wishes to get a piece of that fractionalized NFT pie!


Another industry leader when it comes to fractionalizing NFTs, NIFTEX promised and delivered the creation, support, and sale of Fractional NFTs within their platform! Allowing ERC-20 tokens which is mostly used for Fractional NFTs, the platform also features governance mechanisms as well as royalty distributions that help every creator stand out and survive in the secondary marketplace!

The feature-packed nature of NIFTEX strikes the most interest among potential investors and creators in the industry. If you’re someone who’s looking to add more oomph to your already amazing Fractional NFTs, consider NIFTEX as one of your choices!

A platform that is solely made for the creation, as well as sale and purchase of Fractional NFTs, is the leading platform in the industry when it comes to this topic. Trusted by a lot of blue-chip projects out there, has helped creators and investors across the vast expanse of the NFT landscape with all their Fractional NFT needs!

If you want a platform that is solely dedicated to creating and selling Fractional NFTs, is going to be your best friend!


With Unicly, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Fractional NFTs is the king. Inaugurating the concept of “Unicly” bundles which are essentially multiple Fractionalized NFTs from different projects bundled and gift-wrapped in random, each Unicly bundle holds exciting surprises and amazing use cases that are endemic to each of specific projects, effectively diversifying your NFT portfolio as an investor, at a fraction of the cost!

What’s even greater about Unicly is the fact that you don’t need to go elsewhere when buying and selling all your Fractional NFTs, you could easily put them up for sale on their dedicated marketplace or trade them with other NFTs in the same boat, thanks to their unique utility token called $UNIC, which is mainly used within the platform for the sale and purchase of NFTs, as well as other DeFi features like Mixing, Farming, and Staking!

The Piece

Dubbing themselves as the “First and Leading NFT Marketplace in the NFT space” The Piece offers one of the widest array of features and benefits that you’d find and wish for in a Fractional NFT launchpad. What’s more, they are trusted in the industry due to their reputation for championing Fractional NFT projects in the past, and housing blue-chip projects as well which are really hard to sway and persuade especially as this industry is growing more in market cap.

As of this writing, the platform is working towards even greater endeavours in the world of Fractionalization, going so far as to envision fractional real estate and more, The Piece is one of the most versatile, reliable, and user-friendly platforms/marketplaces in the industry!

NFTfy is another Fractional NFT marketplace housing a few interesting and popular collections that the market has to offer! What’s even greater about this marketplace is that they are multi-chain, operating both within the Polygon and Ethereum Networks with ease and no delay! also features interesting utilities like their RockPool, which allows investors to purchase an NFT in all its fractions, which is perfect for resellers out there, and CrowdPad, which helps enthusiasts and investors to find notable newly-launched projects so they don’t have to scour the vast expanse of the NFT world to look for potentially-profitable Fractional NFTs. Last but not least, they also offer a cross-chain bridge where users could swap their coins from different networks without hassle.

Final Thoughts

Whether in the industry as a creator or an investor, Fractional NFT marketplaces will be your best friend and your catalyst for success as a Fractional NFT enthusiast. While each of these platforms offers various benefits and features that would set you up for greatness, it’s still important that you gauge yourself and what you need from a platform to help you find that right fit.

With every power at the palm of your hand, it’s high time you let that creativity and confidence shine, and cop or create your very own Fractional NFT, among these NFT marketplaces!